Friday, August 24, 2012

Foto Telanjang Model Seksi Chrysansia Chitra Beredar di Internet

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Gallery Artist | Foto Telanjang Model Seksi Chrysansia Chitra Beredar di Internet -  Foto dengan tubuh mulusnya terlihat telanjang semua, kecuali belahan sensitif, yang ditutupi  daun.  Menanggapi hal itu, model yang akrab disapa Jibo ini hanya tertawa ditanya soal itu.

Koleksi Foto Model Panas Chrysansia Chitra“Waktu foto  yang penting saya nggak telanjang-telanjang amat. Saya nggak mungkin telanjang total. Jadi, saya anggap tak ada masalah,” katanya kepada Pos Kota saat  Minggu, (21/3).

Cewek yang memiliki tinggi 171 cm  dan berat 49 kg  menyatakan sudah siap dengan risiko kebocoran foto dirinya yang hampir telanjang itu. “Saat mulai foto saya juga sudah meyakini kalau foto hampir telanjang saya akan bocor,” kata  model kelahiran 9 Agustus 1984 ini terus terang.

Banyaknya foto seksi dan setengah telanjang Jibo yang beredar di internet, membuatnya banyak menerima telpon. Meski begitu, tak membuat pusing.

“Buat apa pusing. Sebab, toh foto setengah telanjang saya yang beredar di internet itu kan foto lama sebelum saya terkenal. Siapa pun bisa mem-browsing-nya di internet. Kalau ambil pusing, kita akan pusing sendiri, jadi biarkan saja yang melihatnya pada pusing .. he eh he.” cetusnya

Koleksi Foto Model Panas Chrysansia Chitra
Chrysansia Chitra Pilih Bola Dua Saja
Meski hamil Chrysansia Chitra masih terlihat seksi kan?
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Foto Pangeran Harry Telanjang Bulat di Hotel Las Vegas

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Foto Pangeran Harry Telanjang Bulat di Hotel Las Vegas -Bukan Pangeran Harry namanya kalau kelakuannya selalu tidak jauh dari kontroversi. Sekali pria yang masuk dalam garis penerus tahta kerajaan Inggris itu, melakukan hal yang dapat mencoreng citra keluarga Kerajaan Inggris.

Dua buah foto yang menampilkan dirinya sedang telanjang bulat bersama seorang wanita beredar di situs berita selebritas TMZ, selasa (21/8/2012).

Seperti dilansir dalam situs tersebut, foto itu  diambil ketika Harry bersama kawanannya terlibat dalam permainan billiard di kamar VIP Suite di sebuah hotel mewah di Las Vegas, AS.
Tampaknya adik Pangeran William ini kalah taruhan, sehingga terpaksa melepaskan seluruh pakaian yang menempel di badannya.

Terlihat dalam foto pertama, Pangeran Harry berdiri dengan posisi tangan menutup area genitalnya. Terlihat seorang wanita, dalam keadaan topless, berdiri di belakangnya.

Pada  foto kedua, terlihat Harry, membelakangi kamera, seperti sedang memeluk seorang wanita yang kali ini dalam keadaan telanjang bulat dari belakang.

Keluarga Kerajaan belum mau berkomentar tentang foto-foto tersebut. "Kami tidak mau berkomentar tentang foto-foto tersebut untuk saat ini," kata perwakilan keluarga Kerajaan kepada TMZ.

Beberapa hari terakhir perhatian media memang sedang tertuju kepada putra bungsu pasangan Pangeran Charles dan mendiang Lady Diana ini.

Sebelumnya Pangeran bernama lengkap  Henry Charles Albert David itu tertangkap basah oleh fotografer sedang menghabiskan waktu di kolam renang bersama segerombolan gadis-gadis cantik berbikini.

Ini bukan yang pertama buat Pangeran berusia 28  tahun itu berkelakuan kontroversial.

Pada 2005 silam, Pangeran Harry pernah terlihat mengenakan kemeja bersimbolkan lambang Nazi dalam sebuah pesta. The Sun, koran pertama yang pertama kali menampilkan foto tersebut sebagai headline, memberikan judul "Harry The Nazi".

Bikin geram banyak orang, pihak kerajaan pun langsung mengeluarkan pernyataan permintaan maaf resmi.
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Fenomena Model Plus-Plus (Lady Escort) Yang Lagi Ngetrend

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Gallery Artist | Fenomena Model Plus-Plus (Lady Escort) Yang Lagi Ngetrend - Hanya bermodal cantik, tinggi, sexy, kulit mulus iapun dapat menjadi model plus plus di Indonesia. Membongkar rahasia di balik dunia permodelam di Indonesia. Banyak cara untuk menuju kekayaan, Para waita yang memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut sangatlah gampang untuk mendapatkan kekayaan demi memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan hidup. Lady Escort itu sebutannya. Lady Escort mempunyai jam terbang dan kualitas yang khusus untuk para pria high class. 

Cantik, sexi, populer.., dan banyak duit. Itulah barang kali gambaran mereka yang biasa melenggang di atas cat walk dengan balutan busana bagus dan mahal hasil rancangan diesainer- desainer handal. Tak jarang pula gambar mereka nampang di majalah, papan reklame dan bahkan website, dengan berbagai ekspresi. Semuanya mempertontokan kemolekan dan kesempurnaan seorang wanita.

Geliat malam dengan hentakan musik serta bermandikan dengan sorotan lampu nan erotis, mengiringi gemulai lekuk tubuh mereka. Bagai magnet sosok kaum model, memang selalu menarik peratian. Tak jarang semua wanita menginginkan mempuyai bentuk tubuh, wajah yang cantik serta kepopularitasan yang mereka sandang.

Tapi dibalik gemerlap dan kesempurnaan yang melekat, muncul fenomena model plus- plus. Model yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai penyedia jasa layanan esek-esek. Beberapa agency juga menuturkan pengalaman mereka yang mendapati dengan mata kepala sendiri akan fenomena ini. Sebenarnya apa yang dicari oleh model plus- plus ini.. benarkah masih tak cukup pendapatan yang mereka terima sebagai model.., atau apakah ini adalah salah satu upaya untuk menuju puncak popularitas..?

Tulisan ini pernah di muat untuk program lensa edisi Putih abu abu plus . Ada banyak yang kami kurangi, dan juga kami mohon maaf tak bisa menyampaikan insert narasumber . yang pasti dengan banyak keterbatasan, akan bahasa visual dan bahasa cetak.
Nikmati saja…

Malam itu, Lensa mengunjungi sebuah tempat hiburan malam di salah satu sudut kota ini. Suasana khas dengan aroma alkohol yang menyengat turut mewarnai malam yang semakin larut itu. Semua wajah yang kami jumpai nampak mengisyaratkan keceriaan dan kebahagiaan. Entah sesaat,.. ataukah mereka memang benar- benar enjoy menikmati hentakan musik yang tersaji dari tangan seorang Disk joky.
Sementara di beberapa sudut yang lain, beberapa mata tertuju pada aksi fasion show yang menampilkan cewek- cewek seksi berbalut busana agak minim. Mereka melenggang di atas cat walk, dengan kepercayaan diri penuh. Senyum yang menggoda sesekali di tebarkan. Sudah pasti hal ini mengusik
adrenalin laki- laki yang memang sangat menikmati peragaan busana itu.

Ya.. cewek-cewek seksi ini adalah model yang biasa membawakan busana hasil racikan designer di kota ini.profesi yang menuntut kesempurnaan fisik dan juga psikis. Dan tak jarang di dambakan oleh kaum wanita kebanyakan. Muda, cantik, kaya dan yang pasti di kenal dan di kagumi banyak orang.
Tapi semudah itulah mereka menjadi model.. ?
Memang tak gampang menjadi seorang model. Wajah cantik dan tubuh seksi saja tak menjamin mencetaknya sebagai model yang populer serta kebanjiran order. Ada bebrapa syarat mutlak yang harus dipenuhi oleh mereka yang biasa bermandikan blits kamera dan melenggang di atas cat walk itu.

Agung soedir, direktur utama colur model, sebuah agency yang telah lama berkibar di dunia modeling, sepakat jika model adalah racikan kesempurnaan
“ gak gampang jadi model.., mereka harus punya modal cukup… misalnya postur yang memenuhi stadart model, behavior mereka yang harus pas dengan iner beautynya.., trus yang gak kalah penting adalah attitude. “ begitu katanya berapi api

Atas nama profesionali itulah, model juga di tuntut untuk bisa tampil di mana saja dan kapan saja. Mereka juga harus siap menggunakan busana dan gerak yang telah di atur untuknya. Termasuk menggunakan busana minim dan dalam pose syur sekalipun. Tak heran jika atas nama profesional, mereka rela melakukan pose- pose menantang dan panas di beberapa media atau website.

“ ada emang.. model yang di tuntut seperti itu.., tergantung Produksi dan konrak yang harus dijalani. Jika model itu mau atas nama profesionalisme, mengapa tidak..” lanjut soedir.

Di indonesia sendiri menjamur, agency – agency yang siap menawarkan jasa modeling. Tak terkecuali di kota Malangi. Di agency ini anda bebas memilih model dengan segala macam karakter. Masing- masing agency menetapkan standart tersendri dalam kwalitas model yang di naunginya.

Sangat penting bagi model, untuk tergabung dalam agency karena selain membantu mereka mendapatkan job, para model juga bisa meningkatkan kualitas bakat yang ia miliki

. Semuanya berloba- lomba untuk meningkatkan standart model yang di milikinya,
Pose model salah satunya. Agency yang di pimpin langsung oleh ivan, salah satu designer terkemuka di kota ini, misalnya, menetapkan beberapa standart bagi para model yang tergabung dalam agencynya. Termasuk, kontrol terhadap sikap dan prilaku model, karena menjaga image pose model yang ia bawahi.

“ sebelum mereka menjadi model di agency ini.., saya memang menetapkan standart yang harus mereka penuhi..jadi gak sembarangan model boleh masuk di sini “

Model. Dintuntut untuk selalu tampil prima, dan sempurna. Itulah salah satu keharusan bagi sang model. Tuntutan ini juga terkadang mengkondisikan mereka pada gaya hiup moderen yang terkadang tak jauh dari dunia malam.

Meski tak merata- rata model kebanyakan, tak jarang, para model juga kerap menghabiskan waktunya di klub, atau tempat- tempat hiburan malam lainnya. Kebiasaan ini, adalah sebagai bentuk pergaulan, aktualisasi moderenitas, dan terkadang memang sebuah gaya hidup. Ya….,
Sebuah live style yang mebutuhkan dana tak sendikit. Bukan..?

“kalau yang kayak gitu tergantung modelnya ya.. mbak. Tapi emang nggak sedikit sih.. yang punya livestyle kayak gitu. Saya pikir wajar aja karena dunia mereka kan gak jauh dari glamour. Tapi sekali lagi itu tergantung dengan diri mereka masing- masing “ lanjut ivan.

Nining pribadyningthas, seorang psikolog lulusan universitas muhamadiyah malang mengatakan, fenomena model yang bsia dibawa ke tempat tidur bukanlah hal baru. Fenemoena ini sudah menyeruak di kota kecil ini.

“ ini adalah imbas dari kehidupan hedon.., saya pikir. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan mereka memilih jalan pintas untuk menjual diri. Sebetulnya fenoemna pelacuran di tingkat model atau pelacuran kelas teri, dengan memungut pelacur di pinggir pinggir jalan, konteksnya tetep sama. Tetapi pada dunia model, barang kali lebih prestis. Tarifnya pun lebih mahal pasti.., dan konsumennya ada kebanggaan terendiri setelah meniduri model A atau moded B “

Ya.. terdorong dengan kemewahan dan gaya hidup yang menggiurkan, menggoda model yang konon tak kuat iman, untuk mendapatkan segala kilau dunia itu. dari sini munculah fenomena model plus- plus. Julukan untuk mereka yang juga berprofesi ganda sebagai penawar adrenalin pria- pria hidung belang.
Sebagai teman kencan dan.. berakir pada sensasi menebarkan di tempat tidur…
ivan, pimpinan pose model, mempunyai cerita khusus tentang hal itu…

“ saya pernah menggelar show bareng dengan beberapa agency besar di surabaya. Pada saat itu di ruang vitting room, setela usai menggelar show, saya berkumpul dengan beberapa model terkenal asal surabaya. Tanpa sengaja saya mendengar seorang moel sedang negosiasi di telpon soal harga, dan janjian mau ketemu dimana. Eh.. nggak lama muncul pria paruh baya. Kayak bapak bapak gitu deh. Nyamperin model, trus ngloyor deh….”

Begitulah pengalaman ivan, saat agency-nya mengglar how bareng denga sebuah gency ternama di surbaya
Memang, profesi sebagai penjaja esek- esek bisa terbungkus oleh apa saja. Bisa juga model atau profesi yang lainnya. Namun jika di telaah lebih dalam, akan muncul beribu pertanyaan, mengapa profesi yang akrab dengan kemewahan dan identik dengan cepat menghasilkan rupiah itu, juga sekaligus nyambi menjadi pekerja esek- esek.

Lensa bertemu dengan Sandra. Perempuan berusia 18 tahun dan kini berstatus sebagai mahasiswa semester 4 di salah satu universitas ternama di kota ini. Sandra, yang berasal dari pulau penghasil kasyu terbesar di indonesia ini telah 10 tahun menjadi model. Praktis dunia ini telah ia kenal sejak kanak- kanak.

Menjadi model plus- plus, memang satu hal yang masih baru baginya. Hal ini berawal ketika, ia mulai memasuki bangku kuliah dan mendapati pergaulan berbeda dari daerah asalnya. Pada awalnya sandra merasa gerah meceritakan pengalamnya menjadi model plus- plus, namun untuk anda teman lensa, sandra mau bercerita banyak tentang dunia model plus-plus yang ia jalani. Dan atas nama privasi kami samarkan indentitas sandra sesungguhnya.

“ saya gak da banyangan sebelumnya mbak…, tapi gimana ya.. sekarang.. mbak pikir deh, berapa banayk be ahidup dan perawatan tubuh, beli beli baju, ke salon yang mesti saya keluarin. Sedang gaji model sendiri gak cukup lah.. buat enuhin semua itu….”

Karena materi dan pupularitas, demikian alasan sandra ketika melakoni proesi ganda sebagai model plus- plus. Sudah tak perduli lagi memang dengan siapa yang menggunakan jasa, karena faktor uang di atas segalanya. Sandra akan dengan mudah mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan, dengan rupiah ditangannya. Lalu gimana cara sandra mendapatkan pelanggan

“ kalau masalah pelanggan sih banyak mbak.., tapi saya biasanya pilih pilih…, kalau ganteng gak punya uang kelaut aja deh.., kalau kaya, bapak bapak dengan perut buncit.. enggak juga deh mbak.. saya ngeri.. target saya dalah om om kece. Setengah tuir juga gak papa yang penting duwitnya. Hahahaha...” lanjut sandra

Sebagai model plu- plus, tentu sandra tak sembarangan untuk memilih tempat kencan. Seolah sadar betul dengan status dan image yang ia pertaruhkan, sanra begitu hati – hati memilih tempat kencan yang sebisanya tak diketahui oleh teman- teman atau orang- orang yang mengenalnya. Dalam urusan bercinta, sandrapun harus siap dengan gaya seks yang terkadang membuatnya melakukan hal hal yang tak ia inginkan.

“ biasan ya sih di villa, atau di hotel yang terbilang save. Kalau urusan gaya bercinta… hahhahaha.. kadang saya eneg juga ngelayanin yag aneh aneh. Dah tua masih kayak orang muda ajaa..”

Dunia model yang tampak begitu glamour dan mensyraatkan kesempurnaan fisik, menjadi dambaan bagi setiap orang. Dan Dunia plus- plus memang selalu ada di antara kita. Tak hanya di dunia modeling saja pastinya. Mereka terus menggeliat sejalan dengan denyut moderenitas yang makin deras. Lepas dari itu, ada harapan postif karena Kota ini, menawarkan banyak ladang untuk lebih meningkatkan kualititas moel yang ada. Menjadi plus plus atau bukan, kebali pada pribadi masing masing,

banyaknya situs terselubung yang menyediakan layanan lady escort di indonesia. Salah satunya adalah situs Situs tersebut banyak sekali menyediakan lady escort yang terawat dan cantik.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rihanna did not want loved tangent Problem

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Gallery Artist | Rihanna did not want loved tangent Problem. The young singer from Barbados, Rihanna suddenly stopped in a television interview sessions Australia, on 12 April. He did, after he received a question about her love life. he did not want to talk about his girlfriend.

The singer of the song "We Found Love" is promoting the movie that starred, Battleship. When the host, Natalie Barr asked her love relationship with Ashton Kutcher and Chris Brown, Rihanna was seen reluctant to talk about it. from here is noticeable that Rihanna did not want to talk about her love life.

Not getting the answers you need, Barr re-asking questions about her love story. Bar revealed, many fans who want to know the story.

However, Rihanna said they were interested in things they should not know. He was immediately told Barr unwell, and immediately stopped the interview.
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Scarlett Johansson has a new boyfriend

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Gallery Artist | Scarlett Johansson has a new boyfriend. this time get the latest info about the Hollywood sense. Who is not familiar with the artist Scarlett Johansson? all artists must have known this one. This time the news about the next life after the storm passed his life, when he was divorced from actor Ryan Renynolds to syurnya photo spread in cyberspace, Scarlett Johansson was calm after discovering her new boyfriend, Nate Taylor.

The Avengers star was admitted to living life with ease after meeting Nate worked as advertising director in a company. 27 year-old actress revealed that her lover is not familiar with the lives of Hollywood celebrities. However, he was adapting to it.

"It must be very strange for him. This is really an adjustment. But he's very good with it all," said Jessica.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lindsay Lohan nude photos break the record

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Gallery Artist | Although the time to doubt, the sale of nude photos in Playboy magazine Lindsay Lohan was not disappointing. -January issue of Playboy magazine in February 2012 claimed a record-breaking sales of adult magazines that. wow this is definitely a shock.

It was said directly to the owner of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner. In his Twitter account called sales Hefner magazine featuring Lindsay has set a record. However, Hefner deatil not explain how a record that solved the Mean Girls star.

"Initial reports indicate that the issue of Lindsay Lohan in January-February will break the record," Hefner told Popeater chirping, Tuesday (01/31/2012).

The news is certainly beyond belief of many people. The reason, Lindsay nude photos in Playboy has already leaked in cyberspace before the magazine published. It made people believe, the reader is no longer interested in buying the magazine. If the claim is true Hefner, Lindsay's decision to pay $ 1 million certainly not in vain.
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Underwear Looks At Celine Dion Concert in Jamaica

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Gallery Artist |When a show at the Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival in Jamaica, on Friday (1/27/2012) ago, singer Celine Dion uses a very short dress. Her dress at the time considered a fashion mistake. So it certainly would seem that his private area.

High stage and the audience who were under, they will see the direction of the thigh singer of 'Immortality' is. Indeed Celine gown, dress it is a mistake because it makes the audience could see her underwear.

However, Celine denied error when wearing a dress that Balmain dress design. "Gold short dress is Balmain design. What is short enough?" she asked, laughing, as reported by Eonline.

Celine explains, it is normal when the audience was under and he uses a short dress, so they can see his private area. Even so, the singer 43 years it remained confident use of fashions.

Celine overall appearance in the musical event so amaze the audience. In addition to performance which is no doubt, a woman who just gave birth five months ago that showed off her figure back already beautiful.

Celine alternating fashion up to four times. Two long dress, a dress is very short and the latter using silver leggings with a white blazer suit.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vanessa Hudgens Almost Exhibition Breasts, because Bikini Sudden Release

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Gallery Artist | Vanessa Hudgens was surprised and embarrassed when she was sunbathing in Hawaii. When he's playing on the beach, bikini of the stars of 'High School Musical' was suddenly dislodged. Which certainly imagine how embarrassed the meaning of it.

Strong winds make the bikini Vanessa flew. Fortunately her 23-year hold the front, so the bikini stays in place, only the back just a loose rope.

Vanessa looks panicked and embarrassed. Black-haired woman hastily ran to the chair that was on the beach to tie bikini.

No longer than that, he returned to the beach and straight into the water nyebur. But at the time, Vanessa was seen alone without the company of her boyfriend, Austin Butler.

Since a week ago, Vanessa and Austin vacation to Hawaii. There they both seemed to enjoy his vacation and do not hesitate to spit intimacy.
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Lucky guy who kissed Katy Perry during a concert last night in Jakarta.

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Gallery Artist | Katy Perry has successfully made the audience smile in 'California Dreams Tour' on Thursday night, when the concert took place there was a fan (Adry) 21-year-old who climbed onto the stage with a bare chest without wearing a shirt and a chance to talk even kissed and kissed 'singer' Fireworks' it. Whether it is luck of the man .... okay photos and videos Katy Perry kissing fans on stage during a concert in Jakarta, Indonesia

Katy Perry kissing fans on stage during a concert

videos Katy Perry kissing fans on stage during a concert in Jakarta, Indonesia

chronology can be listened to story below
Adry, who admit to being fans jamming with Katy Perry did not have time to wear again when told to go up onto the stage with his idol. Shouts the men were endless when Katy also took the opportunity to touch the body Adry and comment on the tattoo when Adry still bare chest. Not only that, also got a chance Adry kissed by Katy Perry.

"Absolutely not know want to be kissed, I instantly like speechless, stunned, confused myself, I do not kepikiran at all. Then he asked me why carry mobile phones, continue to say 'You want to take a picture with me? Want to kiss me on the cheek ? 'yes hell wrote reckless capital, "he admits.

The man who majored in law, several times repeated the scene taking photos when Katy Perry kissed. He admitted very gemeteran and nervous. He also had not expected to be reported on E! Online.

"Beyond expectations really, nyangka not going to like this," he concluded.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Song Joong Ki | Give Gift Car Manager

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Gallery Artist | Korean star Song Joong Ki once again showed her good attitude. In addition to donating the fee he received in one of the activities for charity, this time he showed his loyalty by giving lavish gifts to the manager. attitudes like this that should be copied by most artists.

As reported by allkpop, on 18 January, in an interview with Sidus HQ, Kim Jung Yong, Song Joong Ki manager revealed that the star gave him a new car. "The car is given by Song Joong Ki is the newest Hyundai I30, while Song Joong Ki himself is the owner of the first generation of Hyundai I30," he said.

"I received the prize last month. It has been working together for long periods of time and welcome the new year might be the reason given me the gift. To be honest, not for show, I'm a little embarrassed to tell this to the public. However, Song Joong Ki always pay attention to the people around him, "added Kim Jung Yong.

When asked if Song Joong Ki pronounce special words to him when giving the new car, Kim replied, "We were both embarrassed and awkward. We can not talk much." He also added, "I really like the gift and I always drove with a heart full of joy," he said.
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Producer Blocked because of Salman Khan

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Gallery Artist | This time the news comes from bolliwood about Salman. Experience is the best teacher. Should the words stick in your mind first Bollywood film producer Vijay Galani before dealing with Salman Khan. The reason, he dared to mess around with the actor who is known for fierce and tough on those around it.

The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) has banned the producer is to produce a new film because he has not paid his wages when appearing in Salman's Veer movie. Before the wage is paid, do not expect Vijay will be able to print more money through the film.

FWICE parties also explained that until recently Salman did not receive an honorarium that he should receive. Though the film has been released since the year 2010 and then, and quite a success. But in fact, very convoluted process of disbursement of honorarium and not age until now.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Photos of 'naughty' in circulation, Sheila Marcia Avoid the Media

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Gallery Artist | Sheila Marcia apparently still reluctant to meet the crew of the media since returning naughty photos circulating on the internet. One of them is a photo intimate with my husband Nafa Urbach, Zack Lee.

The mother, Mary Joseph, who just got out of the car and into the event. He came with his nanny while holding granddaughter, Leticia.

Soon he went back into the car, and just smile to the reporters. Sheila and her mother hurried to leave the premises.

As is known, intimate photos with Zack Lee Sheila circulated simultaneously with different men on the internet. Sheila also has not commented about it.

While Nafa, Zack Lee's wife was revealed via Twitter that he did not believe Zack Lee was having an affair with Sheila.
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Back together, Big Bang Face Shinhwa March 2012

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Gallery Artist | This year, the queue is ready to debut a new group in the Korean music scene longer. In addition this year will also be the year that marked the second comeback of the boy band, Big Bang and Shinhwa. It's going to become increasingly crowded competition in the Korean music scene

Both would be equally launched the album in February-March 2012. Korean music observer Tae Gyu Kang stated, the competition between the two can not be avoided.

Big Bang has been a vacuum for some time because of problems that afflict Daesung and G-Dragon. Although there was no activity, could still carve his fifth achievement through awards 'Worldwide Act' at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

While Shinhwa is not an easy opponent. Debut in 1998, a group Shinhwa's longest-exist in the Korean music scene.

After all personnel completed compulsory military service, Shinhwa's tenth album ready to go back to March. They also will begin a tour of Asia starting March 24, along with their birthday to the 14th. Ready to welcome their comeback, and Shinhwa Changjo VIP?
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After 'Breaking Dawn 2', 'Twilight Saga' Continues Still Possible

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Gallery Artist | The love story of human and vampire in 'Twilight Saga' will end in 'Breaking Dawn 2' which was released on 16 November next? it's not a big mistake, according to representatives of the home production house Lionsgate, Jon Feltheimer story of 'Twilight' likely to continue.

'Breaking Dawn 2' is the last film adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's novel. But the series 'Twilight' is still considered to have a high selling value.

Jon estimates that 'Breaking Dawn 2' will reap more than U.S. $ 700 million or around Rp 6.4 trillion. "So my answer, Boy, I hope so," Jon said when asked whether to re-create the continuation of the Twilight.

When released on November 18, 2011, 'Breaking Dawn a' posted a revenue of U.S. $ 508 million or around Rp 4.6 trillion. The figure obtained in just 12 days after release.
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Katy Perry Make Up 5 Hours Before Concert

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Gallery Artist | Singer Katy Perry was never fool around with her appearance, especially on stage. Before the concert, Katy was dressed up to five hours. This is the totality as a singer

Katy's appearance will be tailored to the songs that he is playing. Unfortunately, the promoters have not been able to confirm how many costumes that will be brought Katy. So we'll see

While previously reported, the concept of a candy land so Katy's choice for her concert in Indonesia. Promoters make sure Katy will offer a magnificent concert. He will bring his own band and dancers.
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Photos and Bios Complete Personnel Profile Member CN Blue

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Gallery Artist | Rounding out the world of Korean Kpop. This time Artist Gallery presents the info about the CN Blue aka Code Name Blue. Bands that orbits in kpop is indeed very intriguing eye kpop music lovers. especially women. Okay no more bases again. Please see the info below.

Yong Hwa
• Full name: Jung Yong Hwa
• Date of birth: June 22, 1989
• Position: Leader, main vocalist, rapper, Rhythm Guitarist
• Other: Participate in the "You're Beautiful" and "We Got Married"

Jong Hyun
Birth name Lee Jong Hyun
• Born May 15, 1990 (age 21)
• Busan, South Korea
• Work Guitarist, Singer, Composer, Actor, Model
• Position: Lead Guitarist, Vocalist
• Other: Participate in the movie "Acoustic"
• Label: F & C Music (Korea)
AI Entertainment Inc.. (Japan)

min Hyuk
• Full name: Kang Min Hyuk
• Date of birth: June 28, 1991
• Position: Backing Vocalist, Drummer
• Other: Participate in the drama "It's Okay, Daddy's Daughter" and movie "Acoustic"

Jung Shin
• Full name: Lee Jung Shin
• Date of birth: 15 September 1991
• Position: Backing Vocalist, Rapper, Bassist
• Other: Participate in 4minute's Heart to Heart Music Video
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Photos and Bios Complete Profile Jung Il Woo

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Gallery Artist | Latest Korean Drama that played by Jung Il Woo alias Song Yi Soo in Korean dramas 49 Days indeed steal the attention of many Korean drama lovers. Did you know the reason why? because the acting is very good and very handsome face. Want to know more about Jung Il Woo? Let's follow the info I provided below.

Biodata Lengkap
• Nama: 정일우/ Jung Il Woo
• Profesi: Aktor dan model
• Tanggal lahir: 9 September 1987
• Tempat lahir: Seoul Korea Selatan
• Kebangsaan: Republik Korea
• Tinggi: 183cm
• Berat: 63kg
• Zodiak: Virgo
• Agensi: N.O.A Entertainment
• Official website:
• Twitter:

• 49 Days (SBS, 2011) (sbg Scheduler/ Song Yi Soo)
• High Kick Through The Roof (MBC, 2009) (cameo, sbg Il Woo - ep.35)
• Take Care of the Young Lady/ My Fair Lady/ Lady Castle (KBS2, 2009) (sbg Lee Tae Yoon)
• The Return of Iljimae (MBC, 2009) (sbg Iljimae)
• The Secret of Keu Keu Island (MBC, 2008) (cameo, sbg Lee Yoon Ho - ep.1)
• Unstoppable High Kick (MBC, 2006) (sbg Lee Yoon Ho)

• My Love (2007) (sbg Ji Woo)
• Good Bye Sadness (2007)
• Silent World (2006) (sbg Jung Ho muda)
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Photos and Bios Complete Profile N: Sonic

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Gallery Artist | This is the latest Korean boy band that appears in the trajectory of k-pop music. N-Sonic a few times and then join the anniversary celebration was very interesting Indosiar enthusiastic K-pop lovers in Indonesia. Heart J. (Kwon Jaehwan), Jonguk (Park Jonguk), Charisma Kim Inseok (Eunho), Shining Byeol Choi, Maknae Black J (Lee Bongjun). They are very intriguing charisma of the beholder. Well what a complete personnel profile and biodata N-Sonic? Listen below.

1. J.Heart(Kwon Jaehwan)
Birthday: March 4,1987
Age:25(korean age)
Zodiac sign: Pieces
Body:177cm(height) 63kg(weight)
Blood Type: A
Hobbies:Sports,watching movies,listening to music
Skills:rap,dancing,singing,nagging the members
Religion: Christianity
Academics:Yong In University(Dance)
Expertise: The members of the nagging

2. Jonguk (Park Jonguk)
Birthday:February 26,1990
Age: 21(korean age)
Zodiac Sign:Pieces
Body: 179cm(height) 62kg(weight)
Blood type: A
Hobbies:Shopping,Wrestling with his dog
Skills: Acting, Chinese,Sleeptalking(lol)
Religion: Christianity
Academincs: Seoul Art Technical College(Theater)
Expertise: talking in your sleep

3. Charisma Kim Inseok (Eunho)
Birthday:May 30,1989
Age: 23(korean age)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Body: 175cm(height),60kg(weight)
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: English,Acting,Rap,Composing Lyrics
Skills: Singing,Dancing
Religion: Christianity
Academics: Inha University
Expertise: lyricist, composer

4. Shining Choi Byeol
Birthday: August 17,1989
Age;23(korean age)
Zodiac sign: Leo
Body: 176cm(height) 61kg(weight)
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: reading manhwa(manga),Listening to music,reading
Skills: Piano,Hiphop dance
Academics: Chugye University for Arts(Music)

5. Maknae Black J (Lee Bongjun)
Birthday: October 9,1992
Age:20 (korean age)
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Body: 176cam(height), 63kg(weight)
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Dancing, Listening to music,shopping
Skills: Dance, Beatbox,Football
Nickname: Bbong
Religion: Christianity
Academics: Apgujeong High School
Expertise: football, basketball
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cameron Diaz Really Breast Implants?

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Gallery Artist | There are different views of the appearance of Cameron Diaz when vacationing on a beach in Hawaii, some time ago. Using a gray bikini, Diaz breasts look more plump than usual. can imagine yourself right?

Breast 39-year-old artist seemed much more contained than ever. That would provoke the media to capture the moment, considering that for this artist Diaz synonymous with small breasts.

Artist whose name is famous through the film There's Something About Mary that was said to have done breast implants. According to expert Dr. Anthony Youn different plastics, Diaz was likely installed by enlarging the size of her breast implants.
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JYJ Concert Ticket Sales Break Records in Peru

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Gallery Artist | Korea's top boyband who is a former personnel TVXQ, JYJ which once again made ​​history became the first Korean artist to hold a solo concert in South America, and they solve the upcoming concert ticket sales will be held in Lima, Peru on March 11.
Peruvian daily newspaper, El Comercio reported that half of the tickets have been sold JYJ concert sold out within 30 minutes, and two categories of tickets sold out on the first day. it is very intriguing. It indicates the enthusiastic citizens of Peru against Boyband JYJ.

This is an incredible achievement, considering JYJ never appeared on broadcast TV and radio in Peru, including the Korean term even quite difficult to understand by the local population.

Reported, the fastest selling concert tickets previously held by the Jonas Brothers in 2009 who was also a concert in Lima, Peru, which sold out within five days.
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Oops! Charlize Theron Breast Fake It!

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Gallery Artist | Beautiful women of this one was always looks stunning and riveting in all situations. Even in some occasions, he appeared with his chest that looks tempting. But did you know that it's fake breasts!
As he admitted on Contactmusic, Charlize is a fan of chicken fillets, the product of a pair of cups containing gel that allows the wearer instantly get beautiful breasts. He admitted that he often wore while attending the product's major events.

"I wear it! If you are a person that in fact 'has no chest, then you will wear it. I've heard a story about a girl wear on a date, just because he thinks that the guy would touch her ​​breasts," said Charlize.

Nevertheless, Charlize admits that what he was doing weird and not sexy. But wearing a chicken fillet is the only easy option could do to still look attractive in a major event.
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Daniel Radcliffe Will Engage Murder

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Gallery Artist | Fear Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter actor in the film) that his career will go down after Harry Potter was over it was not proven. Because the British actor is once again going to appear in one of the latest movie adaptation of a novel.

The main character in the eighth Harry Potter sequel will appear in a new film titled KILL YOUR Darlings. Certainly, the film adaptation of Allen Ginsberg's novel is going to tell you about a murder case. certainly did not imagine what it would be out hehehehe

However, Daniel refused to comment further about the film. He claimed to have been asked to keep confidential, and should only be talking to the extent permitted by the film. He himself has been involved in this film for several months.

"I am very pleased to be given the opportunity to announce this. This is a project where I have been involved in a long time.'s Called KILL YOUR Darlings and the story is about the murder of 22-year ...," the actor said.

In addition, Daniel also explained that a number of renowned artists will also be involved in this film, for example Chris Evans and Jesse Eisenberg. But Daniel still not willing to reveal about the role acted by himself and other artists.
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Want to kick Lindsay Lohan's mother

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Gallery Artist | Lindsay Lohan's career is not exactly smooth. In fact, the Mean Girls star was building her career since childhood. Lindsay reportedly blamed the mother and manager. things like this do not be in duplicate by the readers yes ..... lawlessness that his name

According to a Star magazine, Lindsay had a big fight with her ​​mother, Dina. Dina wants Lindsay no longer take care of his career and wants to dump his own mother. Wah ni really severe

"Lindsay feels like to distance himself from his family drama, and the way he was ousted as manager of his mother," a source told Popeater, Saturday (01/14/2012).

"So Lindsay said he wanted to find another manager who is more effective immediately," he said.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mariah Carey's Husband Grieving Experience Kidney Failure

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Gallery Artist | Singer Mariah Carey this time are madly in disaster and he tried to brave accompany her husband, Nick Cannon, were exposed to mild renal failure. Mariah said, Nick is in pain.

"The situation is not easy. He was very ill," she told People magazine when found in a hospital in Aspen, Colorado, United States.

Although very ill, according to Mariah, Nick does not lose its character. Men who have given the singer of 'Hero' was always showing cheerfulness twins.

"As usual, he always seeks the positive in this situation," he said.

Nick suffered mild kidney failure while spending a holiday in the area of ​​Aspen with Mariah and their twins. Wednesday (01/04/2012) and then, he was transferred to a hospital in Los Angeles.

Through Twitter account, Nick tells about his move to a hospital in Los Angeles. "Thank you for all the love and prayers and concern. You know me ... I'll be fine," he wrote.

In an interview with People, Mariah also had expressed his teriamkasihnya on all parties who have been praying for Nick. "We hope he will recover 100% as soon as possible," said Mariah, who married Nick on April 30, 2008.
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