Gallery Artist | Although the time to doubt, the sale of nude photos in Playboy magazine Lindsay Lohan was not disappointing. -January issue of Playboy magazine in February 2012 claimed a record-breaking sales of adult magazines that. wow this is definitely a shock.
It was said directly to the owner of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner. In his Twitter account called sales Hefner magazine featuring Lindsay has set a record. However, Hefner deatil not explain how a record that solved the Mean Girls star.
"Initial reports indicate that the issue of Lindsay Lohan in January-February will break the record," Hefner told Popeater chirping, Tuesday (01/31/2012).
The news is certainly beyond belief of many people. The reason, Lindsay nude photos in Playboy has already leaked in cyberspace before the magazine published. It made people believe, the reader is no longer interested in buying the magazine. If the claim is true Hefner, Lindsay's decision to pay $ 1 million certainly not in vain.
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