Gallery Artists | Miss A Girlband Holds Prime Concert in China.finally,
Miss A Girlband decided to undergo debut in China with a special edition release of their debut album.
The release was held on 30 September 2011 and then, online and through stores in Taiwan. Hong Kong got a digital version on the same day, while the physical album will be ready in October this. Meanwhile in China area, the physical album will be released in November.
This special album contains a DVD with music video of
Bad Girl Good Girl, Breathe, Goodbye Baby and Love Alone.
A miss will hold a press conference with the CGV to release an album, and will appear in the program as well as variety shows other events in China in the remainder of this year.
This album is more interesting because of the two members miss A originating from China namely Jia and Fei. In addition, children miss A is also going to endorse the brand Samsung in China
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