Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lady GaGa So Like Princess Victoria!

Gallery Artists | Apparently Lady GaGa Not only excel in the music world, this eccentric singer also proved to have a lot to many contributions in the social sphere. Its participation in the fight against bullies, Lady GaGa was also honored as 'hero' of the Trevor Project.

Apparently Lady GaGa knows how to look decent when accepting the award. Therefore, when present in the delivery of the award trophy Trevor held on Sunday (04/12) and then, GaGa chose to look elegant with a distinctive style dressed young daughter Victoria. She walked gracefully while attending an event held at the Hollywood Palladium.

With a neat hairstyle and wrapped crown diamonds, GAGA tampka attract the attention of the Little Monster who had lined up waiting for his presence. Black dress that combined royal trinkets GaGa also helped beautify the appearance that night.

GaGa received an award Trevor because he is one of the celebrities who have struggled against the acts of bullies at school. Awards received by the singer 25 years is none other than provided by the parent Jamey Rodemeyer. Jamey itself is a GaGa fan who finally decided to commit suicide in September due to be bullied by his school friends.

"I am very proud of this award. But frankly, I was not a hero. The real hero is Jamey. The tragedy that happened 11 weeks ago really affect me until now. It's really affecting a lot of reasons," says GaGa when giving his speech.
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